Thursday, January 03, 2008

Following Not Leading

A decade ago, American triumphalists mocked those who argued that the world was becoming multipolar, rather than unipolar. Where was the evidence of balancing against the US, they asked. Today the evidence of foreign co-operation to reduce American primacy is everywhere -- from the increasing importance of regional trade blocs that exclude the US to international space projects and military exercises in which the US is conspicuous by its absence. ...

In recent memory, nothing could be done without the US. Today, however, practically all new international institution-building of any long-term importance in global diplomacy and trade occurs without American participation.

In 1998 Madeleine Albright, then US secretary of state, said of the U.S.: "We are the indispensable nation." By backfiring, the unilateralism of Mr Bush has proven her wrong. The US, it turns out, is a dispensable nation.

Europe, China, Russia, Latin America and other regions and nations are quietly taking measures whose effect if not sole purpose will be to cut America down to size.


Blogger Unknown said...

Here is one way where the USA can be compared intellectually to the rest of the world

Local site:
Site: Sulzer Regional Library
4455 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
starting at NOON SATURDAY JUNE 6, 2009


Other participating countries include Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belgium Canada Croatia Estonia Finland Germany Hungary India Latvia Liberia Lithuania Malaysia Netherlands Norway Philippines Russia Serbia Sri Lanka Switzerland and UK

6/05/2009 12:10:00 PM  

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